16 April 2015

N is for NaNoWriMo

Camp NaNoWriMo that is. I decided to participate with some pals from Colorado Writers and Publishers, a Facebook group that is now almost 500 members strong.

It really helps me to focus on my writing when I belong to a group like this. I'm only just 7,000 words into the novel since the beginning of the month, but I have fifteen chapters roughly outlined, and a new character. A sheriff I'll write more about when we get to letter S.

How's your writing coming along this month?

1 comment:

Chris K. said...

Hey, I'm doing Camp Nanowrimo too! My word count is around 13k, I decided to focus on short fiction this month, so I've got a lot of good scenes for a novella I'm completely rewriting, a short Harry Potter fanfic complete, and--I started a story about Camp! Fantasy Camp specifically, where kids go through a wardrobe to a magical land. But this camp isn't all fun and games, especially with elves and other fae living in the woods...

Come visit me at http://chriskelworth.com/blog/

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