06 April 2013

F is for Flowers

F is for flowers, which I adore! There is rarely a time, winter or summer, that flowers do not adorn my home. Here's what is gracing my dining room table now:

I've even thought of creating a series of paintings using my favorite blue vase, because I've taken so many photos of it over the years with different arrangements:

My garden is a riot of color every year too - well as much color as you can expect on a prairie:

My favorite place to write when it's cool and not too windy:

How about you - what's your favorite flower? Leave me a comment!


Anonymous said...

A person of my own heart, I love flowers. Your pictures are awesome. Thanks for a great post.

Enjoy your week-end.


Rowena said...

What beautiful flowers and your garden looks lovely too, so colourful. My favourite flowers are gerberas!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love all flowers and can't just name one because when I do, another one comes to mind. I love the photo with the beautiful cat! Very nice!

Jarm Del Boccio said...

I love sweet peas, and loads of others. I just released 40 Mason bees, and, unfortunately, they have hardly anything to eat and pollinate, other than a few crocuses. What a beautiful variety of flowers you have! Happy A to Z!


Mary Ann said...

I want to walk in your garden! Your flowers make me decide to go out and plant some more in my own. Lovely photos, Dani.

thelmaz said...

I love magnolias. There was a tree in our yard when I was a kid and I looked forward every year to seeing them bloom and to their citrusy scent. www.widowsphere.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Lovely! I have no such gardening skills, but I do love flowers. At the moment I'm fascinated with tulips. I have a bunch of yellow and purple ones in a vase, and they move. They move in the vase, are in a different position every time I look at them.

Jan at Website
Beyond Acadia
Faith Talk
Swamp Lily Review

Sanderella said...

Loved your beautiful blue vase and your garden is outstanding! Also loved the term you used to describe your color...riot! Loved that, and haven't heard it in years! Wonderful post, and thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers with me!! www.sandysanderellasmusings.blogspot.com

Sanderella said...

Also wanted to tell you...forgot above, I joined your page also! Sandy

Sanderella said...

What happened to my original post? I commented on your vase the beautiful flowers, and I don't see it anyplace? www.sandysanderellasmusings.blogspot.com

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