15 January 2013

The Lows and Highs of Weather

This is January 2013 and look at those "snaps" every few days. This is what global warming experts talked about thirty years ago. We go from -15 on Sunday to a high of 51 on Wednesday - a 65-degree swing. I wonder how this will affect the trees?

On our agenda this week is more work on cold frames and adding real windows to the glass house that will enclose the goat shed. We scored a houseful of old wood-framed windows which will replace the plastic sheathing that didn't last the summer! Live and learn. Here's the framework. I told hubbs I want white trim with cuteness and a British look. We have a way to go, huh? :D

Even though it's cold, my thoughts turn to making compost. Here's a terrific post from Jaden at Steamy Kitchen about making compost in three days.  I haven't mastered making compost in three months! You?


Sherry Ellis said...

Sounds like you're an avid gardener! Nice to meet you!

Tammy Theriault said...

looks like a fun project in better weather than here!! new follower, hi!

Cathy said...

I found you on the A-Z signups. I love your blog. I also live in the back of beyond, in SE Washington state. My husband's ancestors came in 1872 and have been farming here ever since.

I'm also a writer, and am now following your other blogs as well. Nice to meet you, and I'm looking forward to reading your theme posts for the A-Z.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Welcome to the A to Z Challenge, Dani!

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